17 Feb

Covid-19 and Warehousing

  • By: Tari Birkelo
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Covid-19 has arguably been the most common topic of discussion over the past year, both inside and outside of the office. With this pandemic, we have experienced circumstances never encountered before challenging companies to take mandatory action. With warehousing and logistics companies being essential, we at Sky logistics & Distribution, Inc. have remained open through the pandemic. Warehousing and logistics companies are a hands-on process and are not able to tackle Covid-19 by working from home. The demand for us to be in the warehouse during this time led us to take extra precaution when working. The following are suggestions of ways to maintain a sanitized work environment during the times of Covid-19.


How have we done that?

Some of the ways we are combating the virus are the obvious ones suggested, like social distancing by keeping six feet of space between you and the next person. This was not so much a problem on the floor of the warehouse as much as it was in the office spaces. Forcing the company to shift desks and employees in a way that adhered to these guidelines. With that, was a mask wearing mandate in the building as well. Signs were put up at all entrances to the buildings informing of the mask mandate as well as the social distancing guidelines. I suggest doing this as it tells all employees and outsiders entering your building what is necessary for them to be inside your building. While doing these things are great, in our industry more precautions should be taken to ensure safety.


Going further

Additionally, at Sky Logistics & Distribution, Inc. we installed a hand washing station located near the entrance of our shipping and receiving office, and hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the building. Understandably, sinks and running water are not options for everyone, so I suggest hand sanitizer stations and stands for those without this option. Doing so, not only at the shipping and receiving doors, but at all doors, adds a great amount of cleanliness to your building. While this was a good start to handling this situation, we at sky knew we needed to go further.


“We needed to make sure the areas and objects that had the most traffic were getting the attention it needed,” said the Quality Control Manager at Sky, “So we implemented a cleaning schedule where we sanitized these areas three times a day Monday through Friday.”


Maintaining a cleaning schedule can be as easy as having the person working at that station or desk clean it themselves on the regular. Which, can be easier than hiring a cleaning crew to come through and clean three times a day. Other extra practices that we use in the workplace as a combination are as follows,

  • Taking temperature checks throughout the day
  • Spreading out shift changes
  • Keeping your employees informed


These are some of the ways we at Sky Logistics & Distribution, Inc. have handled the workplace during the time of Covid-19. Contact your local governments for official information regarding restrictions and rules on the virus.

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